Weird Google Autocomplete + MUI
Google Maps API is weird
Google Maps API + Material UI is even weirder
My task was to incorporate google maps places api that should ideally provide autocomplete suggestions to the users. It should look like the following if working correctly:

It worked perfectly fine if the users entered the correct address. However, if the users entered an incorrect address, or god forbid, they cleared the address once entered, the autocomplete suggestions would not show up. It would look like the following:

Not working autocomplete suggestions
No matter how much the user tried to type the address, the users would not get any suggestion, and since the users won't be getting any suggestions, they would also not be able to proceed further.

Trial and Error begins
So, like any sane developer trying to integrate a 3rd party API, I started by checking the official documentation. Going through the documentation, I came to know that there is a right way of integrating the google maps places API.
What I was doing was simply appending the script tag to the head of the document and using the google maps places API directly.
function useGooglePlaces(onLoadCallback: () => void) {
const onLoadCallbackRef = useRef(onLoadCallback);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
onLoadCallbackRef.current = onLoadCallback;
}, [onLoadCallback]);
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = `${GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY}&libraries=places`;
script.onload = onLoadCallbackRef.current;
// append the script to the head
return () => {
}, []);
However, the right way of integrating the google maps places library was to use their loader package.
import { Loader } from "@googlemaps/js-api-loader";
import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef } from "react";
const loader = new Loader({
libraries: ["places"],
export function useGooglePlaces(
onLoadCallback: (instance: google.maps.PlacesLibrary) => void,
) {
const onLoadCallbackRef = useRef(onLoadCallback);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
onLoadCallbackRef.current = onLoadCallback;
}, [onLoadCallback]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
and then usage was something like this:
useGooglePlacesAPI((instance) => {
autoCompleteInstanceRef.current = new instance.Autocomplete(
inputRef.current as HTMLInputElement,
componentRestrictions: { country: "us" },
fields: ["address_components", "formatted_address"],
autoCompleteInstanceRef.current.addListener("place_changed", () => {
const place = autoCompleteInstanceRef.current?.getPlace();
// rest of the code
// ...
If this worked, this blog post would have ended here. But it didn't. The issue still persisted.
So, I then suspected that maybe the inputRef was changing between re-renders somehow, and that was causing the issue. I was using MUI TextField component and suspected that maybe it was doing something weird with the inputRef between renders (I still don't know if that is what was causing the issue).
I tried to use the native input element instead of the MUI TextField component, and viola! it worked. The autocomplete suggestions were showing up as expected. But the problem was that I had to use the MUI TextField component, and I couldn't just use the native input element.
The Solution
While debugging multiple times, I noticed that even if the autocomplete suggestions were not showing up, when the component was unmounted/remounted, the suggestions would start showing up again. So, that's what I did: a hacky solution to unmount/remount the component whenever the user selection changed. This meant that whenever the user selected an address or even cleared the address, the component would unmount and remount, and the suggestions would start showing up again. And all it took was a simple key prop to the parent component.

As my friend would call it, when I shared the solution:
it's called a key for a reason; it opens up solution to complex problems y'all
And that's how I solved the issue. A hacky solution, but a solution nonetheless.
Sometimes, the official documentation might not be enough, and you might have to resort to some hacky solutions to get things working. And that's okay. As long as it works, it's fine.